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Old 08-26-2003, 07:14 AM   #111
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by jaguar
Well gee dave you sure seem to think the only Final Solution to the conflict is very, very similar to what I copied from LGF - complete crushing of any kind of freedom or independence of all Palastinians and draconian rule under the yoke of the Isreali Government.

You never explicitly stated that you supported such an event but your defence of it demonstrates you think it is the only solution.
I don't appreciate you inferring that the end is Nazi-like, because it's not.

It's not a crushing of freedom or independence, and if you wanted to read what I actually said, you would see that.

I think it is the only means to actual <b>peace</b>.

If you're not going to bother actually reading what I write instead of getting two words in and taking it as something I copied from LGF (which I <b>don't</b> read), then I'm not going to bother taking much effort to respond.
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