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Old 08-22-2003, 06:12 PM   #95
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Originally posted by quzah
Here's a more logical reason:
He probably doesn't post pictures of Isreal stealing land because... wait for it... It never makes the news!

You show me mainstream media coverage of this happening, with an interesting picture, and I bet it'll get posted. You know why you won't? Because it'll never happen. Mainstream media will never have said picture.
ABC News, the BBC and CBS News all reported how land theft works. The Palestinian's orchard is completely cut down because the orchard could be used by terrorists to attack a West Bank settlement road. No such attack occurred. But it is necessary for security.

Just a few small problems that those mainstream American and British news sources noted:
1) the West Bank settlement and road are illegal and should not be there.
2) when same is done to an Israeli farmer, he is compensated for loss of those trees. Palestinian gets no compensation because of who he is.
3) the farmer replants his orchard in the same place. But since trees take 3 years to produce, then the famer cannot meet his debts. How convenient for the illegal West Bank settlers who can confiscate the farmers land.

One need be totally uniformed - as Liza Thomas Laurie - to not see these news stories. However some would post here without first learning what happens in the world. It is situation normal for Israelis to confiscate Palestinian land for about 50 new settlements every year. After all, this land theft is a source and need for increased deaths in the Middle East. But then this is what Sharon wanted when he restarted the intafada.

Land theft by Israelis? Where does UT even acknowledge this common event yet alone show the pictures. One must acknowledge he is that biased when it comes to the Middle East. Land theft is noraml. UT never posts pictures of this event.

If this land theft was not happening, then where did all those illegal Israeli settlement come from? Where is the UT pictiure of Israeli's buying land from the residents? Why bother. It is legal to steal land from Palestinians.

As a CBS news report showed, the Palestinian farmer outrightly complained as Israelis built a new road right through his farm to an illegal west bank settlement. When the farmer complained, those Israelis laughed right in his face - right there on camera. They are the superior race. He is but a scum Palestinian. The racist hate was obvious. Another blunt example of land theft carried by CBS Network news. So BBC, ABC, and CBS are not mainstream? Not according to those who use Liza Thomas Laurie and Daily News for information.
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