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Old 01-05-2009, 04:46 AM   #58
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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Oh celibacy for me. My only real experiences of meaningless sex have generally been unpleasant and unsatisfying. *shrugs* I think probably because sex is not something I massively enjoy. With the right person and in the right mood it's wonderful, but I am quite content not to bother with it for years at a time. If you are one of those women who are fortunate enough to orgasm easily and often I suspect it's very different lol.

I don't think i take very much from sex. I mean, I take away the glow of knowing somebody wanted me...but it's pretty much entirely in the head with me. For it to work properly, it has to work up here *points to head* and it's rare to meet a stranger you can instantly mentally bounce off (as the actress said to the bishop).

A guy could spend an hour on physical foreplay and get me no closer to the edge...but if he gets inside my head he can make me come without touching me. All mental.
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