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Old 12-20-2008, 07:19 AM   #5
This is a fully functional babe lair
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Akron, OH
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Yes they seemed random to me and I actually did watch them, I enjoy Penn & Teller and George Carlin. Thread creation in a discussion forum 101: you should do so by presenting a topic, spelling out the facts, and then give your own opinion preferable outlining your own arguments as justification, not just regurgitating someone else's thoughts with nothing to add of your own. IMO anyway, threads like this are exactly the reason rk is no longer with us, pointless threads where all he did was act as a mouthpiece to other people's thoughts that he agreed with adding little to no original thought to it, then acted as if he was actually contributing something useful with his posts.

As for the topic apparently at hand, you would be on the floor laughing if you heard some of the stuff people say at my conservative, evangelical university. I laugh and shake my head at it all sometimes. One guy tried to explain to me that the whole universe was made of water and some of it compressed and formed solid matter but not all, so when the Biblical Flood happened, that was excess water from the universe falling onto the earth.. the whole approach of creation science kills me. They start with a conclusion and then seek a hypothesis and "experimentation" to support the conclusion, which is not exactly how the scientific method works last I checked. Arguing that carbon dating is useless, etc. It's also humorous to hear some of their "facts" supporting the idea of Biblical inerrancy instead of infallibility. Thankfully it's mainly the students that go down that path, the professors and doctors in my history department are much more reasonable people, one is even staunch evolutionist which is not what you typically see when one thinks of an evangelical Christian.
Kiss my white Irish ass.

Last edited by Bullitt; 12-20-2008 at 07:33 AM.
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