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Old 12-12-2008, 07:24 AM   #6
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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And finally...

The arch mentioned above from the outside (with my back to the clock). And one of the lions at the bottom of the Square. This is the lion of peace - note how he lolls. The lion on the other side of the Square is the lion of war - he roars. Same sculptor who made the lions in Trafalgar Square.

The second pic is a statue of Disraeli. I meant to couple it with the picture of John Hampden opposite, but got caught up in other things. The Victorians were big on statues. Anyway, when I was twelve, the legend, "I [heart] CR" (my initials at the time) were spray painted onto Disraeli's statue. Yup, the school badboy fancied me. Sadly, it was the summer holidays by then, and we went to different schools after that. I still dream about him - literally. Still, Mark did less damamge over the years than the pigeons, who make the Jewish firebrand look like Francis of Assissi.
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