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Old 12-11-2008, 04:53 PM   #129
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 16,493
OK, this post is just a sickening brag about myself and my boys, but I'm showing you anyway.

For Christmas, I gave Aden's two teachers a gift voucher for a nights accomodation at Binna Burra eco resort. It's way more than I would normally spend on a gift for a teacher, but these two ladies have had Aden for two years now and I think they've done a spectacular job with his education. They've helped him become the mature and responsible young man he is now and because of their guidance, discipline and support, he's going to enter high school with a solid base of knowledge which should stand him in good stead.

So anyway, here comes the brag bit. This was the email response I recieved this morning from one of the teachers:

Hi Trish,

Aden gave me your Christmas card and voucher today. I'm speechless! Honestly, and I don't need to tell you that you didn't need to give me anything. Thank you for your astonishing generosity and kind words.

I feel incredibly privileged to have had Aden in my class for my first two years as a teacher. I mean it. I think he's awesome. He's the perfect mix of boyish and deep, and the perfect mix of super-confident and humble, and of cheeky and sweet. I love his stories.

You've done such a great job with your boys. You should hear the CHSS staff talk about them! Everyone thinks that both of them are stunning, in every way. They're exceptional. I think you should write a book on parenting – imagine a world full of kids that turn out like Aden and Mav. Almost as cool as a world affected by Aden and Mav.

I also have to say how much I've enjoyed communicating with you during the past two years. Your emails are funny as well as insightful. I've really appreciated it.

Thanks again!

- Diana
Kind words are the music of the world. F. W. Faber
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