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Old 12-09-2008, 09:47 PM   #8
Back and ready to tart up the place
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Kansas
Posts: 850
I made goulash today. Ground beef, chopped onions and green peppers, garlic, diced tomatoes and tomato sauce, chili powder... and I cooked the elbow macaroni in with everything else (I added some water for the pasta). Good times.

I think I now know why I'm so much bigger than everyone else... it is my cooking. If I cook, it is "down home cooking". For meat loaf, you can actually buy seasoning packets. Those are handy when I don't have a lot of seasonings on hand. I've made it from scratch many times too. Some of the spices I put in it usually are garlic, parsley, and sage. Sometimes I throw in random spices as well. I also make my meatloaf with 1 lb of ground hamburger and 1 lb if sausage. It makes for AWESOME meatloaf. I always drain the fat though. And I always add chopped onion and green peppers to my meatloaf. I usually have potatoes of some sort with my dinner... but I'm really picky with vegetables. Usually we end up eating green beans, corn, or salad. hehehe All the meals everyone else makes sound so exotic and healthy compared to mine!

I'm also good at beef stroganoff... beef, cream of mushroom soup, and sourcream basically. And you just put it over cooked pasta. Oh, and I season my beef while I brown it and add onions and garlic. Yum!
Chock-full of naughty goodness.
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