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Old 08-15-2003, 03:11 PM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Minneapolis
Posts: 676
Were I an 'immortal,' I would probably hide that fact as well as possible from the authorities and the general public. The last thing that I need to be is a rat in a cage being poked and prodded to figure out why exactly it is that I won't die.

Assuming that I were wiley enough to stay out of that trap, I would probably become fabulously wealthy and use that power to run a part of the world the way I see fit. I've always thought that I could do things better than your average politician. Presumably, I would be able to better judge the 'welfare' of the state as a result of my having directly experienced so much of its existence.

If there a big group of people that I were a part of that were immortal, that changes things a lot. I would stilll say we would be systematically hunted and killed or experimented upon until the little people could wring our secret from us.

juju: the trick is, don't get her pregnant. If you haven't learned how to do that in three millennia, joo got some larnin' to do. Other than that, you would have so many extremely distant relatives, who would care? That sort of brings up another point:
How fundamentally different would your ethics be?
Don't Panic
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