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Old 11-26-2008, 06:05 PM   #995
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Diz is in High Spook Mode at the moment.

Firstly, he had a tough day anyway. I walked to the vet, which is a new experience for him. Then had stuff put in his eyes, a strange ginger man pressing things to his chest and back, an injection and then the ultimate indignity of a cold stick up the poop shoot.

Then of course the walk back and me squeezing more gunk into his eyes. He was really offended. Just wait til I have to give him a pill tomorrow!

Anyway, I must have left the door open at the bottom of the stairs at some point, and Peppi came up. Diz didn't notice him at first, so I stayed still and hoped he'd just creep out again. He didn't, he became braver and jumped up on the chest of drawers, at which point Diz certainly saw him and went into full Get Orf My Land mode. There was a bit of a scramble and one or other of them knocked over a full pint glass full of water (which Diz drinks out of). Great! Right onto my DVDs!

Still, tiny Diz chased enormous Peppi back downstairs and that was the end of it.

Unfortunately, a black and white cat has taken to jumping up on the windowsill (on the other side of the glass of course) in the last week. It chose to do this about an hour after the First Bedroom Invasion, so Diz felt much maligned. Instead of running away when Diz complained, the cheeky guttersnipe jumped down onto the extension roof, but stood his ground there and swore bloody murder at him.

Diz swore back, more and more aggressively and puffed himself up until he was nearly half the size of the trespasser, but it took me knocking on the window before he ran away.

Diz is now dividing his time between trying to creep under the laptop on my knees (it gives off heat), looking out of the window - although I doubt he can see anything but his reflection, and checking the stairs for intruders.

Thank goodness we move Saturday, although goodness knows that will bring its own problems. Despite being brought up with a houseful of cats, and co-existing so happily with Dylan, I think Diz has small cat syndrome and will never share happily again. Still - I have to try. Who knows, maybe Mia will remind him of his Mum or something and he'll be curled up grooming her by Christmas. Ahem.

I've bought some Feliway.
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