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Old 08-11-2003, 12:42 PM   #15
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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Chomsky is a loser for his defense of Pol Pot, and his complete and total lack of any post-9/11 clues whatsoever has been utterly weak. He's exposed, his time is up.

Amnesty International has learned that being anti-American is better for their fund-raising than actually bringing torture to light. They withheld reports of Hussein torture chambers because they were anti-war (and thus in effect pro-torture for political purposes).

The US refuses to sign the ICC and other similar treaties because they are in direct violation of the US Constitution in many important ways. Apparently France is treating many of the EU guidelines as toilet paper so maybe you Euros don't have the same attitude towards your founding documents as we do.

The Kyoto treaty was an attempt to hamstring US productivity and was advised against by a 95-0 vote of the Senate. This is not exactly the expected result of oil money going to one party. More importantly, many Euro countries are going to be in violation of Kyoto for a very long time and the general sense is that they would just ignore the treaty when it all comes down to it. It's really just a way for [nuclear] France to do more [coal/petro/natural gas] US-bashing.
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