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Old 11-16-2008, 02:34 AM   #12
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
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Originally Posted by Radar View Post
I've never discussed "mythical rights". I've discussed the very real human rights that have been recognized as self-evident throughout the planet earth for over a thousand years.

1) List all of the stars in the universe, and then I'll list all of our rights. Both jobs will require similar effort.
Very well. In that case, on what basis would you determine what is NOT someone's right?

Call me whatever you will, but don't you dare call me lazy. I've already read most of what you posted. As I said before, while I agree they were brilliant philosophers, they are not imprimatur. Theories. Opinions. Not proof.

3) What equipment was required to discover gravity? None. Someone sat under an apple tree and he was hit on the noggin with gravity.
He was hit in the noggin with an apple, not with gravity. And really, even that is a legend that may or may not have actually taken place.

I know what you are saying, but you are wrong. Rights do exist, and ethics also. To deny the existence of rights is to say you would have no more right to complain if I rob you, rape you, enslave you, or kill you than you would to complain that it is raining.
OK. Rights exist because you say they do. So mote it be. If you drag an argument out until your opponent ceases to give a shit, I guess you still can claim victory. Enjoy.
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