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Old 08-10-2003, 10:22 AM   #1
Tasneem Project
Writer of Writings
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: uk
Posts: 14
Globalization - a word without meaning!

People talk about globalization, coz of the Net, TV and coz MacDonald's plans to open a store on Antartica. But is it all just hype? Mopst ppls fave TV programmes turn out to be home made; increases in trade have mostly taken place between wealthier nations; and people still largely identify themselves with the nation (and even the town) of birth, rather than with planet earth!

You know how people rave on about the Internet 'shrinking the planet'. Check out your history - they said the same things about the telegraph!

The reality is that billions remain in poverty, largely ignorant of the wider world and gaining nothing from the wealth being generated in the West. The only genuinely global problem we face is global warming. Surely its time to stop pretending we live in a global village, and throw the word 'globalization' in the garbage!!
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