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Old 11-12-2008, 09:04 AM   #15
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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While it seems sad, I can't see that the poster did anything wrong given the information they had. They did not set out to destroy a hive after all.

We had a wasp's nest in our eaves when I lived in an old cottage. We thought it strange that there were so many around, until early one summer evening when we had the door open and observed them coming and going. Until then, we'd shooed them away, not being into unnecessary death.

Once we realised there was a nest we had to call the council, who sent a man to kill them all. That was a deliberate act of insect genocide, and I'll hold my hands up to it. Making me far more contemptible than the poster.

ETA - fascinating IoTD Bruce!
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