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Old 11-11-2008, 07:46 AM   #1
Multiorgasmic and wrapped in plastic
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Central Tennessee
Posts: 483
I'm polyamorous and into the BDSM lifestyle as a switch and bottom.

I took limey's advice and started a separate thread for this...

So here goes. I've just recently become involved with the BDSM lifestyle. I know the very basics, and I have a Sir who is mentoring me a bit and to whom I might petition for a collar down the road (when his House stabilizes and my life does the same).

I'm also polyamorous. Right now, I only have a primary, but he has a secondary, and I'm looking for a secondary. No, before anyone asks, my primary is no longer the Aussie... that relationship is on its way out the door.

So, if anyone has questions/answers/comments/whatever, this is where to put them! I know Els has a working poly relationship; I figure with the broad range of the Cellar, there should (might?) be at least one or two other people into one or the other "alt" lifestyle. Make yourselves known!

And may I use you as a sounding board if I have questions or whatever? Please?
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