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Old 11-06-2008, 01:17 PM   #930
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Not really irritating, but not really upsetting. You decide.

Landlady's eldest son has gone up to Liverpool. So they are looking after his cat.

In this house.

Now I am not for one second saying they are not entitled to do this. But it is awkward. The first I knew of it was when I went downstairs because I was going to the shop for Lucozade. Diz - as usual - had followed me down the stairs. I saw the cat and shut the door, so all was well.


Diz is slowly finding his feet here. He is beginning to want to explore the house alone. And apart from that, he always accompanies me to the bathroom. And he does make his displeasure known vocally if he isn't allowed to come with me. Also, he's used to the bedroom door being ajar all night, so he can go about as he pleases when the house is quiet.

What will happen tonight? Is Diz to stay in here while the visitor gets run of the house? Should I keep him on the stairs when I go to the toilet?

Again, I am not annoyed at the situation and I don't think they have done anything wrong. I'm just concerned for my cat and wondering how this will work out practically. I'll ask Pierro how long the cat will be here next time we speak. Not long I hope.

(btw he is a really handsome beast and if I didn't have Diz I'd be delighted to have him here)
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