Thread: Herbs
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Old 08-01-2003, 08:05 PM   #13
lurkin old school
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 2,796
Awright buddy.

beware: mint will take over the world, but within boundaries of a pot or back garage, its essential. Mojitos and Greek food! Peppermint is strong, spearmint more mellow.

Sage- will last the frost will dry and season to perfection your Thanksgiving Turkey.

Rosemary- annual- dry and sunny. cant be beat. You can dig up and try to overwinter the plant inhouse, or pick and dry it.

Sweet basil- youre all over that, a bit of Thai basil if you get freaky. Lots of basil. Pesto! pinch it off before it flowers and it will get leafier and leafier. freeze it for winter- right in an ice tray.

thyme- let it scramble all over the place, loves the dry, hot. no excuse for not having tons of thyme. Dry it for winter.

Oregano- same as thyme only bigger. Greek. dry it.

The one I can't do without- Italian parlsey- flat leaf. At least 2 plants. Use it fresh, freeze it.

Chervil, an annual- let it go to seed one year and youre set for life.

Cilantro- you need lots of plants and to reseed mid season. salsa aint salsa without it, but its cheap in the market.

Top 3: basil, parsley, rosemary. Ok, 4: sage, too.

There are so many other plants with uses:chives- very easy, dill- kinda weedy, bergamot- can be lovely, pennyroyal- annual, fragrant, nasturtium, cant do without, woodruff, magic smell, ....
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