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Old 10-23-2008, 01:32 PM   #11
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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OK. There are a few pretty damning things in there, especially regarding the treatment of the suspected 20th hijacker.

The section that claims Cheney admitted waterboarding at the facility was wrong, and I have edited that and removed it. (I know, I know!) The article that they cited was missing, but I found the same article on Common Dreams. Cheney admitted that waterboarding was used, but not that it was used at Guantanamo. The CIA later admitted it too, but the subjects were not at Guantanamo. And none of the prisoners mention it, and the Red Cross doesn't mention it. I cannot connect Guantanamo and waterboarding.

Also, though there are some prisoner complaints of sleep deprivation (and it might be the only thing the prisoner complaints have in common), nobody said sleep deprivation "over a period of years". People just seem to make stuff up sometimes.
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