Thread: Stealing
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Old 10-12-2008, 03:06 PM   #85
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Actually I think the eating & make-up thing is give & take.
I've certainly been known to use salaried time in the Cellar, and when Dylan went missing I ran off colour copies of Cat Missing posters and fliers.

Okay, I actually do a fair amount for the company outside of working hours - not least shopping and going to the bank, which previous and current employees charge travel expenses for and I do shanks pony.

But surely every job has its perks and benefits.
If you explain to the staff that you are not "spying" on them, cameras are only used to check back in case of missing money, but they should remember that dossing about before 10.00 is only winked at by management, I'm sure everything will be fine.

Even without a camera, it might be worth reminding them that their pre-10.00 primping is at management discretion.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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