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Old 10-03-2008, 07:59 AM   #7
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Early in the debate, I was getting the uneasy feeling FOR her that I got in her interviews with Couric. She picked up speed, and did well projecting who she is.

However, she skirted a lot of questions, going back to the "known" whereas Biden answered the questions that were asked, with knowledge that you don't get from being coached.

I did not expect the show of emotion from Biden, and I did not know about his family and his tragedy. That was important to me: Palin is painted as the be-all, end-all of parenting, and you don't hear a lot about the other candidate's family lives.

I thought it was a good debate. I was impressed with the class shown by both candidates. Biden was the clear winner to me, however, and I thought he was outstanding.

Oh, and what Bri said...

Oh, and lol at Ibby!
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones who need the advice.
--Bill Cosby

Last edited by Shawnee123; 10-03-2008 at 08:06 AM. Reason: thoughts
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