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Old 09-30-2008, 06:15 PM   #49
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Seattle
Posts: 27,063
Just fielded a call from SonofV.

He was calling from the library, across town over by the mall. He called to inform me that the anime club meeting was not until next month. Oh well.

"So, I'd like to hang out at Zumiez, ok?"

"I'd prefer if you hung out at the library, maybe check out a new book and we'll come pick you up after work."



First of all, he gets it. Plans changed, and he called to keep us informed. BIG, big points for that. I understand the plan we agreed to when we parted company this morning might not survive intact until we meet again tonight. So instead of just going on his merry way, without communicating to us, he called. Perfect. He knew the changes, not me. And he knew enough to call and let us know.

Frankly, we'll be going to Zumiez after work (what a coincidence!).

With this kind of thinking about the bigger picture, and his responsibilities, and his actual acting on that knowledge, I can see our trust in him was not misplaced.

I'm very very proud of him.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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