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Old 09-30-2008, 03:42 AM   #8
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Sundae Girl is curled up on the sofa, dozing contentedly like a cat.
Just before the doorbell rings again, she jumps up, eyes shining, as if she knows who has come to call.

Bruce stands in the open door, large as life and twice as fatal.
Ignoring the other Dwellars he locks eyes with Sundae.
"I'm here. And I have something for you."
Sundae's eyes are drawn from his lupine head to his bulging pants.
"For me?" she whispers, "but it's so... big!"
"I can he gentle," he growls.

In three strides he is in front of her, and she drops gratefully to her knees in front of him.
He smells of clean clothes and soap, and she's already wet between her thighs at the thought of what she's about to do.

Her nipples are like bullets and she longs to rub herself up and down his body and press his face between her breasts, but first she wants to feel him springing eagerly into her hand and take him full and complete into her her mouth, pressing his wet head against the roof.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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