Thread: Weird News
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Old 09-29-2008, 08:41 AM   #184
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
I make a mean fish chowder every Christmas eve. A year or two ago as I was cutting up a huge (and expensive) slab of cod, I found half a dozen worms in it. Freaked me right out. So I got online and read a little about it and learned that it's not unusual at all for some fish like cod to have worms in it. As part of the processing of fish, they run the fillets over a light table so they can more easily see fish with worms in them and they use tweezers to poke into the fish and yank the worms out. Then they sell the fish. Sometimes they miss some worms. The government doesn't care if fish has parasites in it because the fish is normally cooked. After reading that, I decided I'll never eat sushi.

As for that expensive slab of cod, I had already thrown it away and made a last minute trip to another store to buy some more.
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