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Old 09-28-2008, 11:32 PM   #8
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
OMG, don't get me started on what chili shouldn't have and shouldn't be. Well, too late, I'm started.

These people we camp with make the weirdest chili. And WIN with it. One lady puts corn in her chili. It's good, but to me it tastes like vegetable soup. And this one guy? The guy that won the cookoff we're doing this weekend? He puts anything in his chili that strikes his fancy. I don't know what-all he put in his his chili last year - mushrooms, corn, white northern beans, beer, black olives, mustard! I swear. One time, he had some leftover barbecue chicken wings from KFC, from the night before (they have a camper with a fridge) and he took the meat off the bones and put it in his chili. Geez.

I just make it the way I like it. Mine has beans in it, because I like them. It also has cinnamon and brown sugar in it, because I like it that way. And peppers, and tomatoes...lots of red pepper...mmm...I really, really, really love my chili.
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