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Old 09-24-2008, 09:21 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Riddil View Post
He has changed in recent years. Although even considering his changes, I think he's a sharp enough man that he would be a good president.
George Sr had the same problem. George Sr knew who Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfovitz, etc were. But to get elected, he had to hire them anyway. Thank god for people like Margaret Thatcher who, in Denver, restored George Sr's backbone that had been removed by the above extremists.

McCain will have the same problem. Palin clearly identifies who is now running the McCain campaign.

The Charlie Gibson interview made it obvious that Palin is another extremist front man as George Jr was. George Jr was given an 18 month indoctrination mostly by Rice and Wolfovitz so he could be that front man. Palin will be put through the same program by Republican extremists who are slowly perverting the McCain campaign with their agenda.

George Sr knew Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc were not trustworthy. He stated his disappointment of them in his son's administration. But a Republican can no longer get elected without entertaining those rightwing party brokers.

What is wrong with people? Why do so many twenty year olds smoke cigarettes when any logical person knows better? Same process that addicts twenty year olds also issues talking points every morning to Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. That same program was used by Hitler to become popular. Democrats have no equivalent propaganda machine. Disparage the intelligencia and bourgeois - then tell the brownshirts how to think. Brownshirts never ask why or demand numbers. They believe only the first thing they are told. They are easily manipulated by feelings - not by facts and numbers. These people can even be told to smoke cigarettes to be healthy - and will believe it.

It makes no logical sense. But so many people only believe based upon how they feel. The right wing extremists are very good at playing this game. Christian Colleges even teach how to use body language and smiles to influence people - do not even teach calculus or other basic sciences. Cuomo could not understand why so many would vote him as Governor of NY. The majority reason? They liked him. Nothing more. A majority is that ignorant as to be told Saddam had WMDs - then blindly believe it only because it was the first thing told. Most people can be manipulated only by their feelings. The fact that Palin promoted George Jr agendas in Charlie Gibson's interview gets ignored by those who 'feel'.

This majority do not make decisions based upon facts. I don't understand how one can be so naive. But they feel - therefore they know. Concepts taught in junior high school science - how to know a fact - are completely forgotten.

One fact remains completely undeniable from the Charlie Gibson (ABC News) interview. The George Jr people are inside and running the McCain campaign as also indicated by how McCain has changed. McCain had no choice. McCain even quoted George Jr directly when reading a speech written by his new staff. "Our economy is sound" as AIG was going down. Only George Jr was also saying that.

Where did George Jr go as a category five hurricane was destroying New Orleans? He went to McCain's birthday party. Curious? Not as curious as how so many know. They only entertain their 'feelings' which is why Rush Limbaugh, et al are so important in telling them how to think.
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