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Old 10-25-2001, 09:06 AM   #18
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by jaguar
If you think he'd get a fairer or more fair trial in a US court than the Hague....
Hrm. I don't think I said anything about this. I'm not going to bother scrolling down and reading what I actually said, but I'll just address this right now.

I don't think he's going to get a fair trial anywhere. I think that's even what I said before. You know what? Our government knows this. Any trial, anywhere, would be a farce. He's not coming back here alive, buddy. When US commandos find him, if he's still alive (hasn't committed suicide), he will be shot, a picture or two will be taken for proof, and that'll be it. A trial would incite more anger anyway - we're trying to avoid that as much as possible. He'll get toasted the moment he pops his head out. That'll be that.

It does. Not. Solve. The. Issue.
I. Know. This. So. Do. Most. Of. The. Citizens. Of. My. Country. I. Am. Going. To. Stop. The. Dramatic. Pausing. Now.

The fact of the matter is, operations need MONEY and GUIDANCE to work. Especially ones on the scale of the 9/11 attacks. IF YOU DISMANTLE THEIR BASE OF POWER, IT WILL BE INFINITELY MORE DIFFICULT FOR THEM TO OPERATE. THAT is the goal. Not totally by bombing "the shit out of Afghanistan" either. Targeted ground operations. There isn't much more precise than an H&K pistol being pressed against the back of someone's head. That is how they will go down. We may get lucky and hit 'em with a bomb, but I don't think that's the plan. Anyway, the fact of the matter is that bin Laden has the cash and the know-how to TRAIN people to KILL INNOCENT CIVILIANS. Will others rise in his place? Absolutely. Will we /neutralize/ them as well? Yes. There's a saying... "All Indians. No Chiefs." That's what it's like over there... one guy steps up 'cause he's pretty sharp and he's got a ton of money. And people flock to him to ease their suffering 'cause they think that's what's going to happen if they "martyr" themselves for Allah. All it takes is a LEADER and these people will follow. If you consistently KILL their terrorist leaders, you consistently take away their ability to operate effectively. That is the goal.

if loving the ideals your country is based on makes you a patriot, a true patriot would hate your currant government, not doing this to some degree would be backing up juju's point perfectly.
No. A true patriot would say "without this government, we cannot possibly live with the freedom which we are guaranteed." Like I SAID before, the government is NOT PERFECT. But one has to tolerate its indiscretions because having it in place guarantees that our lives continue with our basic freedoms.

Maybe you have to live here to understand. This is one of the things that constantly amazes me about you - you're perfectly willing to sit back and toss out armchair speculation about things you have nearly NO CLUE about. Do you see me talking about Australia like I'm some fucking expert? No. Why? Because I've never lived there and I don't know shit about what it is to be an Australian. Yet you seem to have the United States all figured out from half way around the world. Do you live here? Did you vote in our last election? Do you understand what it is to live in a country that was FOUNDED on a few basic freedoms that CANNOT be taken away; to understand that in 1776, against OVERWHELMING ODDS, MEN FOUGHT AND DIED so that juju and Tony and tw and I could sit here and express our stupid opinions without fearing that someone would kill us for it. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA what our freedom has bought for the rest of the world? If the United States didn't set the example, where do you think Australia would be right now?

I'm pretty fucking tired of this conversation. I'm pretty fucking tired of people stating the most ludicrous things and not bothering to offer any evidence. I'm done.

Tony - what about that UT server? We oughta talk some time too - if you's gots the facilities, do you do colocation? I could pay you, and you wouldn't have to administer the box
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