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Old 09-18-2008, 02:50 AM   #1
Management Consultant
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 165
Aliantha... Wow, somehow I had completely forgotten about anime. But even considering anime, I don't think that cartoon-porn will ever be truly main-stream. But I do have faith that one day CGI will be indiscernible from the real thing. So while you say, "I don't think CGI will ever do it for me"... my thought is that some day you won't be able to tell the difference between RL and CGI. In that case it becomes theoretically possible for a "real porn experience", without any actors being involved. You could have a world covered in smut, without a single person getting in front of the camera.

As for your comment about voyeurism... personally I agree with you 100%. But (to play devil's advocate), the argument basically declares that even if someone wants to be a porn star, it doesn't matter because in reality they are harming themselves. This argument normally comes from sexual prudes, who believe sex is a holy thing only between a married couple. Therefore, anyone in porn must be destroying themselves, regardless of their own feelings on the subject. (They may enjoy it today, but they'll regret it tomorrow!)

Which is one reason I started the thread in the first place... *if* CGI could be a 100% replacement, and *if* 100% of all porn could be declared "human free", then does it take the wind out of the argument that porn is evil because it debases the people in it?

Actually, my theory is that these prudes have chosen this argument not for any real concern, but rather because it's an easily defensible stance. Now you're not arguing that porn is icky. You're a champion of the poor deluded saps that are destroying their lives! If the CGI solution became a reality then the prudes of the world would simply invent an entirely new argument to take it's place.
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