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Old 09-17-2008, 09:42 PM   #14
I hear them call the tide
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Perpetual Chaos
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A Cellaaarrr Pirate Story

The night air was as still as a newb caught in an LJ quiz, not a molecule moved, and the sloop Cellaaaarrrr bobbed in the ocean like a greengrocer’s apostrophe. The Jolly Roger hung like a spammer's cock.

Thrasher ThreeeeFoote was on the poop deck, toying with the remains of his evil twin brother, Lord Bargepole. He knew he should be dicing him up for the chumbucket but it was hard when the apple of his eye, Millimetaaarrrr was so devoted to her uncle. Besides, they only needed the chumbucket when shark fishing, and he was pretty sure that the nearby creatures were dolphins. Oh wait, damn, they were sharks. No, dolphins. Oh, the huge manatees.

Who stole mah Bukket?” demanded Muffy Divaaarrr. “I need mah chumbukket”. “I has a bukket” said Millimetaaaarrr. Just as Thrasher was about to bung Bargepole’s bits in the bucket for the bait, tw posted and the sails filled, causing the ship to lurch forward at an alarming rate. “All hands on Dana” cried Captain Pat O’RLY. “Deck, I mean, Deck.”

To be continued….

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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