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Old 07-14-2003, 03:11 PM   #22
joywriting in the rock river valley
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Chicagoland area
Posts: 41
will work on it...

You guys are funny.

joy: This is hard to explain simply. Let me use an analogy. ANALOGY

others: Joy, your analogy rotted here and here and here. Explain your position.

joy: Um, an analogy is never going to be perfect in every point, but can't you see the benefit of finding some familiar point of reference that we can all identify with quickly? Like in ANALOGY ANALOGY ANALOGY?

others: Joy, all your analogies just do not cut it. Face it, you are not good at this. Can't you just talk in plain English?

joy: Ok. It's just really hard to size up succinctly AND clearly, but here goes another attempt... (insert on and on and on discussion).

others: Too long. Please explain the theology of entire world civilizations past present and future flawlessly. In plain English. And be brief now, mind you.

I really will work on it. Thinking now. Believe it or not, I prefer concision myself. But concise AND clear is a real tough combination of goals when a gracious-but-skeptical audience brings such a vast spectrum of experience to the table. ( insert the 'one of me and lots of you' pity party spiel here. )
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