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Old 09-17-2008, 11:47 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by barefoot serpent View Post
yeah, well your Barack Hussein Osama advocates sex edjucation for kidneygardeners while Sarah Palin is for abstinence only.
The bill was for education of primary school student to avoid and protect themselves from sexual predators. Then wacko extremists subverted reality into "teaching sex education to kindergarteners".

At the same time, they were selecting one of their own. Sarah Palin who did not know what the Bush Doctrine is but advocates unilateral military attacks on any nation we feel may be a threat. That is the same intelligence and response that George Jr advocated.

McCain - once a critic of George Jr - now has a campaign being run by those same George Jr people - including Karl Rove. It's called change to advocate the Bush Doctrine? The only thing changed is McCain.

Palin is only saying what the McCain staff has always been saying when they worked for George Jr. These same spin liars said Obama is teaching sex education to kindergarteners. Change is not to vote for George Jr's people and their newest mental midget - Sarah Palin.

I could not believe how dumb she is. Just like George Jr, she is a great front man - a spokesperson. Like George Jr, she has no knowledge, edcation, or an ability to think for herself. She is the perfect choice for people who lied about sex education for kindergarteners.
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