Thread: The Crash, etc.
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Old 09-16-2008, 01:14 AM   #8
trying hard to be a better person
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Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Well that's true. It's true in Australia too, and the UK and most other countries with a slumped economy.

What is surprising to me as an outsider, just as Zen alluded to, is that so many major banks have folded in the US. I'd be shit scared if major banks in Australia started folding and we've got a very small economy compared to the US and UK. Fortunately for us we're doing ok so far, but it's early days yet.

I guess what I would find interesting to know is how this could have happened to supposedly strong financial institutions built on a foundation of wise investments.

The story will unfold as time goes on, but there must be some nervous CEO's around the world, including Australia at this most recent collapse.
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