Thread: Separate Beds?
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Old 09-13-2008, 12:42 AM   #1
I know, right?
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Separate Beds?

Remember the 1950's sitcoms - I Love Lucy, etc. - where married couples had separate twin beds? I doubt that happened in reality, but after I had to share a bed (that is, once the novelty wore off) I was kind of envious.

Granted there is something sweet about cuddling up with the one you love, reaching over in the middle of the night to feel a warm body comfortingly close to yours.

But it's not so sweet when that warm body snores or flails around, kicks, etc. or does other things in the middle of the night to wake you up when you'd be willing to pay money for a good night's sleep.

News article on this topic:

Part of the problem is that we only have a full size bed, not a nice, luxurious queen or king. We get king size beds in hotel rooms and there's so much room, we're reaching across and saying "Hellooooo over there!" But our bedrooms have always been small, and it's just what we're used to. Oh well.

But I don't think bed size is the real issue. I'm like a kid that has to share a bedroom with a sibling -- I want my own room! I want to be able to watch TV, surf the Internet, read, etc. in bed without someone grumbling about it and making me put it all away because it's HIS bedtime. I don't want to apologize every night, multiple times, because I snore. I snore LOUD. Sorry. Sometimes I even wake myself up snoring.

I love my hubby and I ain't about to give up certain other recreational activities, but my own bedroom would be sweeeeet!

Anybody else ever feel this way? Done anything about it?

I don't have my own room but I do have my own office, which is just like my own bedroom except it doesn't have a bed. If that makes any sense whatsoever.
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