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Old 09-09-2008, 06:44 PM   #1
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Things that make you know you're doing something right.

On Monday we took our kids to a theme park called 'Dreamworld' with some family that was visiting from out of town. Dreamworld also happens to be the home of the tv reality show 'Big Brother' here in Australia and so when you go to Dreamworld, you can go for a tour through the Big Brother house.

So it was almost the end of the day and Dazza pipes up and says, "I want to go have a look at the BB house". (He happens to be a fan of the show unfortunately and I can't understand how someone of his intellect can be, but he is). Anyway, it's a pretty long walk down there, and I definitely didn't feel like it and no one else wanted to go either. I was just starting to say I didn't feel like the walk when my son Aden asked to talk to me in private. He said to me, "Mum, I think you should go with Dazza if he wants you to. After all, he's been lining up for us all day and this is the one thing he's asked to do"

Of course Aden was right, and I was going to go if I had to anyway, but it was very touching to know that my son could put himself in someone else's shoes that way. It's not the first time, but I just thought a thread for people to brag about their kids nice stuff might be cool.

So what have your kids said or done lately that makes you feel proud?
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