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Old 09-09-2008, 02:37 PM   #632
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
I have a complaint.

I just started fall quarter at Wright State. Most teachers use an online system to communicate, post extra stuff, provide syllabi, etc. Well, there are two available for use. One is called WebCT. One is called Course Studio. They are completely separate, though as far as I can tell, they do the same thing.

Why the heck can't they just make up their minds which one to use, and everyone use one or the other, so I don't have to remember which teachers use which one and go back and forth to both of them? GRRRR.

OK, I have another complaint.

I was up till 2 a.m. working on my homework. I got 4 hours of sleep. See what it says over there under my name? I'm tired. Now I am REALLY tired. Too bad my day won't end for another 5 hours, at least. I have dinner to make, a client project to finish, more homework, kids' homework to supervise, a sink full of dishes, and I'm sure something else will be required of me as well. Yawn.
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