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Old 07-10-2003, 02:36 PM   #15
joywriting in the rock river valley
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Chicagoland area
Posts: 41
will & grace

dave: If God gave us free will, why would he have used the Israelites as a tool to punish those that rejected him? Isn't that part of the whole free will deal?
I just watched "Henry V" last night, and I was reminded of various stories I've heard from WWII, how God seems to spare certain people/nations and allow others to get hit--regardless of the odds, regardless of the virtues and vices found on both sides of the battle. For centuries nations have asked themselves the question why fate seems to smile on other nations. God had claimed the Israelites as "his" people and was fighting for them (yes, he allowed them to conquer the pagan peoples but in highly unconventional if not miraculous ways--like marching around city walls 7x before they collapsed inward--and when incredibly outnumbered), irrespective of their many shortcomings and sin problems. There were other points in Hebrew history when God turned his back temporarily and allowed his chosen people to go into exile under the tyranny of various nations. There are other times where God has offered salvation and forgiveness to people who displayed more wickedness and seemed "far more gone" than the Israelites. For instance, when he gave the Assyrians in the city of Ninevah the opportunity to repent, and when they did, the Hebrew prophet Jonah was outraged because God had accepted the repentance of these wicked people. That is the beauty of his grace. None of us is truly innocent. All of us have a free will, but that very free will is still bent and stained with a corrupt nature. Even our free will, unaccompanied by his grace, is unable to choose rightly or respond to him rightly.

Well, if civilization wins out on the name game regardless of its unfamiliarity with historical records and theological distinctions, it's understandable and acceptable. If we're talking about realms, this is how the cookie crumbles in the realm of linguistics/etymology. Meaning is attributed by society. I guess just call me whatever you wish. But if you want to know what <b>I </b>was talking about/referring to, and if we want to discuss things on the same plane, then acknowledging some parameters (even for a temporary, for-sake-of-argument scenario) is good.
Y'all are wearing me out.

Last edited by joydriven; 07-10-2003 at 03:12 PM.
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