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Old 09-01-2008, 09:48 PM   #34
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
It's like this...

Some lady sits next to you at McD's with two unruly children who won't stop shrieking, throwing food at each other, won't keep their butts in their chairs long enough to eat a happy meal. And she looks over at you with this sad expression and says "I don't know WHY they act like this."

And you WANT to say "because you're a shitty mom!"

But you can't. You just nod and smile sympathetically and thank God you're almost done with your burger and can get the hell out of there.

That's the sort of thing we didn't say.

But you know, maybe more people should say what they really want to say instead of enabling all of these lame-ass losers who think they're doing JUST FINE because nobody complains.

Just a thought.
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