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Old 09-01-2008, 12:05 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Canada
Posts: 24
I've been quoted!

I'm not very supportive of religion in general, because religious people are total jerks a lot of the time, and most of their refusing to accept science if it doesn't go along with literal translations of text is ridiculous.

Even still, I really hate when people say that bad things happen because there is no God.
When people just up and latch on to any excuse, usually someone else's tragedy, to fuel their disbelief in something they never supported in the first place, I just find it distasteful...

So I kinda jumped on someone's comment on a news site article about a little girl who was abused and died saying "GOD IS SICK FOR LETTING THIS HAPPEN EXCEPT HE'S NOT REAL! THIS IS WHY!!!"

Something about free will (I really believe people that suffer are better as people for surviving it, and people that help ease their suffering are better as people for helping them too)

And someone put my quote as their signature in a forum! ... I just thought that was super cool.

Sorry if I'm boasting in my first actual thread,
just wanted to share that. It made me feel special :3 I've never been quoted before, except when I say dumb things or make silly noises...
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