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Old 07-06-2003, 03:13 AM   #33
Knight of the Oval-Shaped Conference Table
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 375
Wow, some one went through a bitter divorce eh? You only mentioned the word fifteen times in that post. Likening it to hell? I take it you didn't do the dumping, or you feel "in the right"?

Your logic is horribly flawed. Assuming an all powerful being which has the ability to do whatever he/she/it(HSI) wants, consider the following:

We didn't ask to be created. HSI decided that on a whim, because they were supposedly lonely, they'd create a single source of entertainment. Earth. HSI decides then to populate it with animals. Being bored with the animals, because they were just "lower life forms", HSI then decides to put "superior beings" on said hunk of earth.

HSI then, because apparently they were still bored, made a single solitary source of "the ability to fuck posterity over for ever and ever and ever"(TATFP) in the middle of their house. Next, HSI tricks the "superior beings" into going out and using TATFP.

No, I suppose you'll say it wasn't HSI that did it, it was TOEB(the other evil being) that tricked the superior beings into fucking over all future generations.

Well ok, let's examine TOEB for a second.

At some point in time, either before HSI created earth, or after, HSI decided that they would give TAFY(the ability to fuck yourself) to all of his angels. Angels by the way, are something else HSI created, but apparently they aren't smart, good, whatever enough to be company for HSI, which is apparently why earth was made.*

So, one of the angels decides(since they were given TAFY by HSI) that they're tired of living in the greatest spot in existance, so they'd rather go off and wander around forever, outside of the glorious site of HSI.**

Thus we now have a created being given TAFY so basicly they can then go do so, just for ... no reason at all!

Take the above sentence and now we apply it to humans. They quickly rush to TATFP with eagerness. Suddenly, they realize how stupid they were, because HSI comes down to tell them.

"Hey guess what! You're all toast now unless you do these one specific set of rules! Now break up into your little tribes and scatter around the world forming your own take on these rules, so that I can have a handfull of you with me, and the rest can burn in hell with the rest of my creations!"

Now does that really sound like love? Come one now. There are billions of people, each with their on belief of what to make of life, and all those who don't walk the perfect line, are fucked. Just because HSI was lonely and had nothing better to do.

Consider the following:

I have the ability to create something. I know that if I create this item, as soon as I do so, it will be destroyed. I can do one of two things: I can create said item, or I can not create said item.

If I create it, am I really giving it a choice of not being destroyed?

"Oh", but you say, "it's just an object. It has no free will of its own". Thank you. I thought you'd agree.

"Well that's rather harsh", you say, "putting words into my mouth"!

Well consider the explanation, partially given already above:
I am an all powerful being. I know everything that is, everything that was, and everything that ever will be, because I am a being of infiniteness. I am everything. I span space and time. I am greater than the sum of everything that will ever be. Everything that is, I made.

Given that I know everything, how in the hell can there be freedom of choice? Given that if I, being all powerful and in control of everything****, if I create something, I know every possible combination of everything that will ever occur with said thing.

If someone goes to hell, HSI knew it would occur before ever creating said item. Now that's a damn shame. I really don't call that love.

end of post

*See above. HSI created humans because they were apparently lonely. Go on, look it up. Trust me, it's there.

**See above. I've often heard it remarked that people will be so awe struck by the presence of HSI, that all they will want to do is fall down in awe and spend all eternity worshiping HSI. Ok, two points here:

a) Why on earth would the angels for no reason at all decide to give that up? Jealousy? Well who created jealousy? If HSI is the creator of all things, then HSI created jealousy. If not, then HSI is not the creator of all things. If that is the case, who did? If they did, then HSI gave them the ability to do so, thus, creating actually being the creator. If not, then HSI is not the supreme being, because the other creator would have done something without HSI wanting it to be so. If HSI wanted it to be so, ask yourself, why would HSI create things like jealousy?

b) If the angels were around being struck by awe and worship, how was HSI lonely, why could HSI create lonelyness(see point A above), and how are we so different that an all powerful all knowing being could be entertained or comforted(befriended) by such insignificant beings.***

***How on earth are animals not significant to provide comfort/friendship, but us "superior beings" are? Both are creations and as such are not even remotely close in nature. Seriously, compare infinity to 1. Ok, now compare it to 1,000,000. They are exactly the same.

[b]****[b/]As per all-powerful above, if there is something else that is uncontrollable, then HSI is not all powerful. Otherwise, said item would be controlled.
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