Thread: Just Peachy!
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Old 08-27-2008, 12:24 PM   #1
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
Just Peachy!

I have lots of peaches. From my peach tree. Unfortunately they're little bitty peaches, not grocery-store size, which makes them a pain to process. Fortunately, they're yummy!

What would you do with tons of peaches? Just can them in syrup, make preserves, freeze them, dry them, etc.?

I may dry a few, I've got one of the cheap round dehydrators. I prefer canning to freezing because I need to save freezer space for ICE CREAM. Which gets me thinking...ummmmm....peach ice cream. :p

So, that is what I am doing today. Peaches.

Then maybe I'll get to the cherries, which I just stuck in bags in the freezer intending to get to them someday - fat lot of good they'll do me in a big frozen brick.

In a couple weeks there will be pears and apples, too. Oh well, since my garden went bust this year, at least I'll have something to fill up my pantry.

--Junie the farm girl
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