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Old 07-04-2003, 04:52 AM   #24
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 5
its a pity when anyone is improsoned for expressing themselves peacefully without harm to others.
As I wrote before, they are not imprisoned because of the tattoo. They tried to skip the army recruit, abusing the tattoo rule made long ago (presumably in 60s). Actually the rule existed to keep out gangsters from army, because they do exactly that kind of tattoo. And they still do. The rule itself is quite dumb, but they had no choice because you can't prohibit a person servicing his country just because he is supposed to be a gangster.

Doing tattoo is not illegal in Korea. What do you guys think we are? A bunch of dumb fascists? (thou there are still a lot of them )

Ranting about the tattoos being Japanese kind is just about my own personal taste. Acutally I'm a Japanimation fan, but such tattoo really irks me. Come on... that's not a pretty sight. is it?

By the way, according to a late night news, the most popular tattoo pattern among young Korean chicks is butterfly these days, here in Korea.

Last edited by gaemon; 07-04-2003 at 04:55 AM.
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