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Old 08-07-2008, 10:44 PM   #219
Snooty Borg
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 81
Originally Posted by regular.joe View Post
I'll not call you crazy because you don't hear and see what I hear and see, please allow me the same courtesy and tolerance.
Who then *would* you call crazy? How about the person who sees phantom clowns which he claims instruct him to perform various nonsensical tasks? Should you extend him courtesy and tolerance to his clown-centric faith or try to help an obviously diseased mind? Does your societal duty to help cease if the damage is not physical?

It is my understanding that our perceptions do not widely differ; you distinguish the world in the same basic manner and precision as I do. The difference is that in your view there are "extra" elements. You claim events happen for a reason or are caused by an entity despite no perceptive indication. You base the validity of concepts or actions solely on events or feelings that occur completely within your own mind.

How then would we distinguish your behavior from that of a crazy person?
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