Thread: Adultery
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Old 08-02-2008, 09:31 AM   #23
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Yea. Well it is just a grocery store. The real rule of thumb is to just try not to have tryst's with the married guys unless everyone is aware, and complicit.

I've seen some of the hot bagger boys at whole foods, and if I were a young cashier I might entertain the idea of a date. Some look like they would make good couples and everyone knows that those types of positions aren't forever. As long as you remain professional at work it's no one's business really. It's better not to date co-workers but really, that doesn't always apply.

Yes, I am a wife and a complete bitch. I have a hands off rule. Put your hands on my husband and yes, I will be a complete bitch. The fact that I would be a bitch isn't quite the point.

I think your sister knowingly screwed the wrong guy, and maybe even made a habit of it. And still isn't sorry. She should be making an apology instead of name calling. After an apology, (accepted or not) she could then, forgive herself for doing something so stupid.

Married and a co-worker, well that spells doom. People have always met at work and they always will. I don't care. But screwing a married co-worker is definitely a no no.
Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you.- Carl Jung
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