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Old 06-29-2003, 06:25 PM   #1
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 12,486
Sycamore's Great (Technological) Leap Forward

2003 has been all about improvements in Sycamoreland: physical, financial, etc.

June became the month of technological improvements. These improvements have greatly improved La Casa del Sicómoro, and will make it a much nicer place in which to spend time.

Let's review:

The new computer: Sycamore (the computer) crapped out on the 5th. Within a matter of days, UT and Dave came up with a sweet new system, which was put together on the 14th. It is a massive improvement over the old system, which was over 5 years old. Originally known as sombra, it is now known as cielo.

The DSL line: There's no sense in having an awesome computer if you're going to hook it up to a dialup modem. So, I ordered a DSL kit from Earthlink, which I picked up from UPS on Wednesday. Another massive improvement from a 56K modem line.

Digital Cable: Went over to Comcast yesterday and swapped out the old cable converter for digital cable service. 300 channels of movies, music, and other stuff, including 16 channels of Encore, and 12 of HBO. What the fuck I am going to do with 16 channels of Encore? Watch more movies, I guess.

The interesting thing about all 3 items was that they were spontaneous purchases: The computer was due to my old one crashing (though UT and I had discussed putting one together next month), the DSL was a result of the new computer, and the digital cable was due to a special offer that arrived Friday from Comcast.

And the best part is, they are a minimal impact to the budget--a total of $40 extra a month. And the computer is already paid for.

That's enough purchasing for the moment. In the fall, we'll start buying furniture for the apartment and move our excess shit to storage.
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