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Old 07-22-2008, 06:58 AM   #1852
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
Remind me how old Lil'Pete is?

What's makin me happy today: the post. Now, normally the arrival of the postman heralds no great joy. Usually my morning fayre consists of bills, final demands, threats of court action, council papers and invites to events I have no desire to go to (but invariably will).

Not today! Having ditched the obligatory junk mail (insurance offers and finance deals) I opened a letter from my university. It congratulated me on my performance this year and on winning the KPMG prize......and enclosed was a cheque for £100! Yey! I can pay my electric bill and they won't have to cut me off lol.

Just in case that wasn't exciting enough, the next was a small package. I knew as I was opening it that it was my much anticipated set of two Doctor Who audiobooks as read by Paul McGann. Happy, happy. Joy, joy. God bless Ebay
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