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Old 07-20-2008, 02:45 PM   #1846
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
Sundae, I think you'd love it. I bet part of you really misses the intellectual endeavour of learning. I know I did. The time factor worried me when I first started down this path. Three years for a degree, a year for a masters and then another 3 years for a PHD. God, even the first 3 year stint seemed like a huge chunk of time. Now I am heading into the final year of my degree and the time has just flown past.

The trick is not to keep thinking in terms of how much time is left on the course. If you're doing it for the journey rather than the destination, it doesn't matter if it's a long ride.

Out of interest, which courses are attracting your attention at the moment? Also, have you checked out the possibility of doing a part-time degree at a local university? Not sure what help's available funding-wise but it may be worth checking it out. Of course the advantage of OU is that you can truly wrap it around your time. And, of course, you don't have the problem of being the grown-up in a class of 18 year olds lol.

Keep us posted if you make a decision hon
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