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Old 07-17-2008, 09:07 AM   #23
Goon Squad Leader
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Originally Posted by Radar View Post
Originally Posted by BigV
California's referendum mania is a symptom of their f*cked up political system
I have to admit I was pretty angry after the last vote. We had a proposition (Prop 98) on the ballot to eliminate eminent domain for private use. It would have prevented politicians and wealthy developers from stealing someones home, rentals, business, or place of worship simply because something else would provide more tax dollars. It would have protected real property from people.

The developers, and the league of California cities, and counties, etc. created another proposition to sink the first one. They made a proposition that offered no protection at all and paid millions and millions of dollars to scare the crap out of old people and socialists by claiming Prop 98 would end rent control. Prop 98 didn't end rent control for anyone that was already renting under it....even though it should.

The scumbags got their way and the idiots of the state voted down the only protection they could get from having their property stolen from them, or their friends, neighbors, and relatives.
Thank you for providing further evidence for my point.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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