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Old 07-02-2008, 09:21 PM   #21
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
If you respond to this guy he'll just keep going. This one is posted on roughly 25 other forums. By my judgment he gets one more thread to post before banning, unless he becomes more conversational and involved. Let's hope it's a good one.
Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
Let me add that I desperately bought the hook this time and was ready to talk about it. But then I thought better: an uninvolved user doesn't get to set our agenda, that's my thinking.

He doesn't get to squirt his stuff all over the net just because he CAN.
Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
But the responses, and drift, has been interesting, without his dialog. Are they worse than Flint or LJ's stir up shit threads?
Yes, they are worse.

Coberst is a one trick pony (to use a phrase that you've used after banning a spammer). Usually it's a commercial trick; however, there are non-commercial tricks as well. The methods and goals are the same in that they are a unilateral major imposition.

I could do the same (e.g. hype my favorite singer in the Entertainment forum by starting thread after thread ad nauseam on the same; or, related subject) to the point that it would morph into predominantly an expression of me, pontificating.

When done for non-commercial purposes, especially in someone else's forum (rather than a blog), it reflects an affective behavioral disorder (obsessiveness) at best and at worst in this case a loss of normal social constraint without loss of intellect often seen in early dementia.

The important part of assessing a user like cobrest is the user's history. Often, there isn't enough information and WYSIWYG. In this case, there is an abundance of information available from other websites: coberst is a one trick pony. I may, to paraphrase UT, buy[?] the hook and poke a little fun in hopes that cobrest will be different in this forum; however, I'm neither interested in disrespecting a senior citizen nor in beating a dead horse. I can use the Ignore feature; but, can all of our unregistered viewers do the same? Sometimes tough love is appropriate.

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