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Old 06-19-2003, 12:36 PM   #6
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Jeffersonville, IN (near Louisville)
Posts: 892
This particular computer needs to have lots of airflow because it's a server with 4 drives and 2 CPU's. It also runs 24/7/365, or at least I'd like it to.

So I'd like to avoid having to shut it down, even once a year, to clean it out. Of course, that's better than having dust-related device problems, which very likely may be the case right now (troubleshooting a non-functioning Linux computer halfway across the world, using your very non-technically-oriented wife as tech support, is, as you may imagine, not the easiest thing to do.)

After a little more looking around, I found these filters which use aluminum mesh instead of that cheap-looking plastic stuff, and supposedly I can just take them out and rinse them. I wonder how often that would be necessary. It it's more than once every couple months or so, it prolly would be easier to just blow the whole thing out once a year.
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