Thread: Bush Dynasty!?
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Old 06-18-2003, 09:59 PM   #9
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Originally posted by SteveDallas
The democrats have shown themselves to be almost completely devoid of spine in the last couple years. I predict an easy win for Bush in 2004 simply because the Democrats won't take it to him.
Employees of the White House, even with White House phone numbers in their pockets, were caught bugging the Democratic Party for President Nixon's relection committee - CREEP. A year later, the Democrats were so unfocused that Nixon could still win the presidency for a second term even though it was obvious his adminstration was lying. Same president could invade another country and the nation would say nothing - except the college kids who quite rightly said, "Don't trust anyone over 30."

Now we have another president who outrightly lied so he could invade another country. Who undermines the Oslo Accords and lets the Israelis, for the first time, use America weapons against unarmed civilians (even Reagan would not let Israel do that). Who subverts America's relations with virtually every nation in the world. Who undermines the economy so he can build new military bases and expensive (useless) anti-ballistic missile systems at the expense of local government budgets, nation's economic health, international relations, and infastructure investment. Who creates a whole new level of bureacracy (Office of Fatherland Security) and still will not address deep seated management problems throughout the FBI. Such a President issues a tax cut that does nothing for the economy and now (two years later as predicted) only extends a recession (tax cuts to solve recessions have always been mythical with real, long term, negative consequences).

Clinton demonstrated how easy it would be to defeat an incumbant that was far more competant. But where will the Democrats find anyone with such focus and objectives? Like Nixon, we will probably relect George Jr. even though he would lie to invade another soveirgn nation. It does not say good things about the Democratic leadership.
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