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Old 06-17-2008, 01:46 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
You have no evidence of "routine" torture or "routine" extraordinary rendition. If you do post your original source documents.
Anyone with basic intelllgence has read the numerous facts that the United States government authorized torture. Today, another source states facts again and cites names - senior George Jr administration officials. From the Washington Post of 17 Jun 2008:
Report Questions Pentagon Accounts
Officials Looked Into Interrogation Methods Early On

A Senate investigation has concluded that top Pentagon officials began assembling lists of harsh interrogation techniques in the summer of 2002 for use on detainees at Guantanamo Bay and that those officials later cited memos from field commanders to suggest that the proposals originated far down the chain of command, according to congressional sources briefed on the findings.

The sources said that memos and other evidence obtained during the inquiry show that officials in the office of then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld started to research the use of waterboarding, stress positions, sensory deprivation and other practices in July 2002, months before memos from commanders at the detention facility in Cuba requested permission to use those measures on suspected terrorists.

... military lawyers raised strong concerns about the legality of the practices as early as November 2002, a month before Rumsfeld approved them. The findings contradict previous accounts by top Bush administration appointees, ...

"Some have suggested that detainee abuses committed by U.S. personnel at Abu Ghraib in Iraq and at Guantanamo were the result of a 'few bad apples' acting on their own. It would be a lot easier to accept if that were true," ... "Senior officials in the United States government sought out information on aggressive techniques, twisted the law to create the appearance of their legality, and authorized their use against detainees."

... memos and e-mails obtained by investigators reveal that in July 2002, Haynes and other Pentagon officials were soliciting ideas for harsh interrogations from military experts in survival training, according to two congressional officials familiar with the committee's investigation. By late July, a list was compiled that included many of the techniques that would later be formally approved for use at Guantanamo Bay, including stress positions, sleep deprivation and the hooding of detainees during questioning. The techniques were later used at the Abu Ghraib detention facility in Iraq.
Haynes was General Counsel for the Defense Department and Rumsfeld.
Haynes and other senior administration officials also visited Guantanamo Bay in September 2002 to "talk about techniques," said one congressional official. Also on the trip was David S. Addington, chief of staff to Vice President Cheney. ...

The Senate committee's findings echo earlier claims by many congressional Democrats, human rights groups and other administration critics who have maintained that responsibility for the controversial interrogation practices lies at the highest levels of the administration.
Wacko extremists approve of extraordinary rendition, torture, and even lie about it. TheMercenary, for the glory of his political agenda, again denies what was well known. Personal attacks on anyone who challenges their immorality is also expected since TheMercenary never has facts (that would also require an education).

Nobody decent doubts what the Senate investigation again confirms. Wacko extremists will deny it to defend a despicable George Jr. Since torture and other civil rights violations were authorized by the mental midget administration, wacko extremist must deny another report that says same. To dispute the Senate investigation, wacko extremists (ie TheMercenary) must again attack the messenger.
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