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Old 06-17-2003, 09:29 PM   #25
Master of the Domain
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Posts: 231
I would have to second "Signs" and "The Others". After I saw "Signs", I had to keep my feet away from the edge of the bed, afraid there was one of those creatures underneath it. And I am an adult (supposedly).

I saw the Others in the theater on a day when they were having sound malfunctions (it was louder than it should have been). I was there with my burly big brother and he was shaking when we walked out. Not sure if it was the movie or the loudness.

I've procured copies of both versions of "The Ring" so I'm looking forward to watching those. I think I'll watch the US version first since the Japanese version is supposed to be better. Even better, I'll watch ALONE. :-o
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